How to Paint a Room

Painting is a tough job, especially if you have a lot to paint at your home. You may be overwhelmed with getting everything out of the way, cleaning the walls, and everything else to get the job done. Read on for some helpful tips to make your next paint job easier on you.

Do the Prep Work

The prep work is a step you don't want to miss. Skipping the prep work that goes along with painting is something you need to do, as it can help give you a beautiful paint job and prevent you from having to do too many coats of paint. Prep work that you should be doing includes cleaning your walls with warm water. Start at the top and work your way down the wall. You can use a well-wrung mop to help you get your walls clean.

Next, fill in holes and sand down areas that aren't smooth. If your walls are bare and haven't been painted before, you need to cover the walls with a primer. The primer will prevent the paint from just soaking into the drywall and prevent you from needing too many coats of paint, which will save you time, money, and energy.

Cover Your Belongings

If you have belongings in the room, don't worry about removing everything. It can be easier for you to paint if everything is removed, but that extra work can take a lot of time. Cover the belongings and move them out of the way instead to save you time and energy. Cover your belongings with a tarp, old blankets/sheets or drop cloths that you don't mind getting paint on. The paint will splatter from the roller and can get on everything very easily, so take the time to protect your belongings.

Protect with Painter's Tape

Protect your walls, ceilings, floors, and baseboards/trim work with painter's tape. The painter's tape should be applied before you paint to help you, so unless you have a very steady hand and can paint in a straight line, you should use painter's tape. Once you are finished painting, remove the tape before your paint job dries completely.

Make your next paint job easier on you by using the above-mentioned tips. Painting can be a lot of work, it isn't just painting, there's a lot of prep work and other work involved. To learn more about painting, contact or hire a residential painter. 
